We only had one cute boy shoot the "how long is the color going to take look"
But over all he kids were sooo happy that their hard work in choosing colors and what to draw on their eggs. I loved how they turned out! I love that they were soo serious in which color to use and watching them figure out what they were going to draw! It was hilarious. As long as gavins egg didn't end up pink...they were happy. (gavin is strongly opposed to pink)
That night we played trouble (star wars version). The kids soo loved this game..i was not sure with the combination of it being a starwars version or if it was because we got to stay up late to play, but they LOVED IT!
I mean look at this boys face when he saw it on the table from the Easter bunny that morning..
We even got in a little Easter egg hunt of our own living room..Of course this was a hit:(thanks to the cute Easter bunny man in our house who hid them in what my boys thought were the coolest places EVER)
I love that lil gav found one and shared it with his brother:
And last but not least...I had to include some of our super cute easter pics in their easter outfits..(note: we took these today b4 church since we didnt have to get dressed all up easter sunday). The pictures will be in order of how they cooperated :)
(take note of the faces on the boys..ahaha..either it was bright or they had the sillies..that is usally how pic taking goes at my house.)
But even with their sillies ...I love my little stud muffins..i mean really..how could u not...just look at them!:)
The CON Man!!!
The Gavinator!!!
Oh Shauna,
What a darling couple of boys, and husband. I love them!
I love you too.
Thank you for the very cute blog.
Love, Dayna
I can't wait for the day that I get to see your cute family again! Your boys are looking so grown up and very, very GQish:)
I have the most handsome nephews ever!
I like the last one of gavin the best. He looks happy, but maybe a little angry about it :) I miss those kids!!!
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