Saturday, February 28, 2009

Nine Years!!

Nine years..Yes!.. It has been 9 years! Crazy! Jesse and I are celebrating our 9 year anniversary!

Happy anniversary Babe! I cant believe how fast this time has gone. It is soo crazy to me to think that we are almost to 10! Man..alot has changed since that day 9 years ago. I wouldnt change it for anything..I am still as excited as i was 9 years ago to be married to you!

I love you
Happy Anniversary!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My poor boy!

So this week has been such a fun eventful week! NOT!!It has been filled with fevers..vomit...snot..coughing and sheesh lots and lots and lots of crying and whining!

Poor Mr.C has been fighting some vicious little illness. It all started Tuesday while i was at work. He came up to me and looked at me with such sad little eyes and said,"mommy..i need to go home." "mommy my eyes and head hurt sooo sooo bad."

I feel his little head and sure enough he is hot. Great...poor kids have been at work with me, and he is sick as a dog. I tell my supervisor..and i pack up the kiddos. And poor me..there was only parking forever i hiked out to the car with the gavinator, and left poor Mr.C to hang out with my manager in her office.. When i got the car i drove it back to to pick up my pooor little guy...
He was going downhill fast. He couldn't even walk to the car. I had to carry the poor little guy out. And we went home to Tylenol and Motrin and resting. This poor little boy has been running a fever everyday since...and there have been ups and downs...

this is what the poor little guy looks like most of the time...i feel soo bad..his poor fever was anywhere between 102-104 with meds.

He has stayed down most of the time but as the days pass you can defiantly tell he is getting cabin fever, but too tired and weak. You can just tell he is sooo sick of being sick..

So on the occasions where the fever has been only around 100-101 this is usually what i find him and gavinator doing.. it is soo sad because you see in is eyes how is it not doing well..poor kid

And to top it all off the gavinator too has something... thank goodness no fever..well no fever yet.. shesh... i am sure one will be coming soon. He has climbed the cupboard to stick the thermator that Mr.C has used in his mouth multiple time,..he has stolen conners sippy cups of juice,..and freak, i cant get him to leave conners side..he just wants to be right next to him.
This picture shows conner crying out cause his head hurts..and it also shows how gavin wants to be RIGHT next to him!

In fact that reminds me of when i was little. I distinctly remember my older brother matt having the chicken pox. Well i idolized my brothers and i hated to see them sick. I think i was only like 4 or so but i remember thinking i really thought my brother was going to die. I remember watching star wars with him and i remember how sick he was. I wouldn't leave his side. I just didn't want him to go through it it is funny when i see gavin doing the same thing with his older brother.
I am pretty sure i too came down with the chicken pox..but too me it was alright..because i knew my brother was brave so i would be too!

so i am spending yet another day in my house..dealing with my poor sick little guys.We are at day when things start to look better..then BOOM..the fever creeps back to haunt us again..

The good least both of my children can officially puke in the toilet! yeah! that is great news for me!

so here is to another exciting week in the Christensen household!

Monday, February 9, 2009

These Men!

While the girls are off watching the Bachelor...this is what i come home to the boys doing....

(Jesse, Ben and Greg)

NO... greg and ben are not a couple..they are both happily married to the cutest wife's ever..hehehe though, in this picture it appears they are one happy couple!

It was 3D night with the TV!

And when the girls are off shopping...this is what we come home to see the boys doing....

Hours upon hours of rockband!! YEAH!! Go God's little punch lines!! Rock IT!!Thanks goodness that rockband was created! now we get to shop until we drop then come back and rock out with our hubbies to rockband until all hours of the night!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The "Broken" Fork!

So last weekend i got a babysitter. We were going to go out with seth and tara, dayna(they were visiting). We were meeting up with our family doctor, who is a good family friend. Seth used to shadow him when he lived with us, so when Dr.Andy found out about him coming to visit, we planned to get together. Not to mention he also wanted to meet seth's awesome wife Tara. It was such a fun night being able to sit and visit with Dr. Andy and his wife.

When we got home katie(the one in charge of the kids for night)had a cute little story about gavin. She was feeding him dinner. He was using his fork but he should have been using his spoon. His fork was not working well. She said he looked at her, and said,"My fork not is needs some batteries.!" hahaha..he thought that if his fork had batteries, then it would miraculously start to work the way he wanted it! gotta love this kid!