Poor Mr.C has been fighting some vicious little illness. It all started Tuesday while i was at work. He came up to me and looked at me with such sad little eyes and said,"mommy..i need to go home." "mommy my eyes and head hurt sooo sooo bad."
I feel his little head and sure enough he is hot. Great...poor kids have been at work with me, and he is sick as a dog. I tell my supervisor..and i pack up the kiddos. And poor me..there was only parking forever away..so i hiked out to the car with the gavinator, and left poor Mr.C to hang out with my manager in her office.. When i got the car i drove it back to to pick up my pooor little guy...
He was going downhill fast. He couldn't even walk to the car. I had to carry the poor little guy out. And we went home to Tylenol and Motrin and resting. This poor little boy has been running a fever everyday since...and there have been ups and downs...
this is what the poor little guy looks like most of the time...i feel soo bad..his poor fever was anywhere between 102-104 with meds.
He has stayed down most of the time but as the days pass you can defiantly tell he is getting cabin fever, but too tired and weak. You can just tell he is sooo sick of being sick..
So on the occasions where the fever has been only around 100-101 this is usually what i find him and gavinator doing.. it is soo sad because you see in is eyes how is it not doing well..poor kid
And to top it all off the gavinator too has something... thank goodness no fever..well no fever yet.. shesh... i am sure one will be coming soon. He has climbed the cupboard to stick the thermator that Mr.C has used in his mouth multiple time,..he has stolen conners sippy cups of juice,..and freak, i cant get him to leave conners side..he just wants to be right next to him.
This picture shows conner crying out cause his head hurts..and it also shows how gavin wants to be RIGHT next to him!
In fact that reminds me of when i was little. I distinctly remember my older brother matt having the chicken pox. Well i idolized my brothers and i hated to see them sick. I think i was only like 4 or so but i remember thinking i really thought my brother was going to die. I remember watching star wars with him and i remember how sick he was. I wouldn't leave his side. I just didn't want him to go through it alone..so it is funny when i see gavin doing the same thing with his older brother.
I am pretty sure i too came down with the chicken pox..but too me it was alright..because i knew my brother was brave so i would be too!
so i am spending yet another day in my house..dealing with my poor sick little guys.We are at day 5..so when things start to look better..then BOOM..the fever creeps back to haunt us again..
The good news...at least both of my children can officially puke in the toilet! yeah! that is great news for me!
so here is to another exciting week in the Christensen household!
I'm so sorry you've had such a sucky week - even more sorry that I'm no help right now! When we're all better we'll go do something fun!
Dear Shauna,
I am so sorry the boys are sick. That is no fun! You are a grand Mom for taking such good care of them. Thanks for telling the story and give them a hug from me.
I love all of you.
Grandma Dayna
Oh, the stomach flu! Our kids steal eachother's drinks too. Beginning of January Logan got it, 48hrs Taylor did & then it went to my and Jeff only a little. I wish you luck & a good immune system!
Sorry!!! It doesn't sound like fun!!! I hope they get feeling better!!!
oh my poor sweet nephew I hope he gets better soon. I feel so bad for you and him. Big hugs and kisses. I wish we lived closer we could have spent the week together inside with our sick boys.
Oh MY!!!! I hope all the crud that has been going on in your home is done and dun!!!! Im sorry your handosme boy was sick! Whhere is the sunshine???? You better get your family all healthy cause one of these days im going to surprise you and be standing at your door......dont worry, i'll be dressed....but i'll be standing at your door as a surprise visit! Would that be WAY TOO MUCH FUN??? Oh my goodness, I seriously need to plan it, I want to visit Oregon anyway, I hear its awesome! You leave the best comments on my blog, why are you so far away?? blah! I hope things are going better for you guys, I miss you lots!!! woot woot for summer!!!!!
Oh man! Kid cruds bite the big one and it's so sad to see them feeling yucky! Rylie puked 6 times on Friday, then was fine by dinner. So far no one else has gotten her disease. We miss the Christensen's!
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