So this morning I woke up to my conner nonner running in my room because his eye had swollen shut... literally..i wish i had a picture of it..It was gnarly looking this morning.
Jesse and I asked what was wrong, and he said he didn't know, but that it was hurting. We got some cold packs on it, and decided he would need to been seen today. Thankfully the cold packs did their job, and the swelling went down ALOT. While applying the ice I kept I asked him if anything happened to his eye. He thought about it, and told me last night at club sport he might of hurt it..he told me he was playing basketball and as he was trying to shoot he poked his eye pretty bad. Of course he didn't tell anyone about it. I told him it would have been nice to hear about something like that the night it had happened. I knew it could it looked pretty painful. Too bad we didnt take any pics this morning when it looked "really cool" totally swollen shut. The doc told us he did indeed scratch it pretty good and because of the scratch, he not only has the pain of that but it also turned into pink eye. He said the two of those together makes for a pretty sore eye. conner nonner wanted me to take pics and post a blog about his eye so he can see how cool it looks.
anyhow.. here are some cool pics of his eye..and the pretty cool scratch at the top...
Dont be alarmed..he may look possesed in these pics...and i know they look kinda creepy, but it does show how white the one eye is, compared to how red the other is. The really dark red is where he scratched it.
The right eye..nice and white..the way it should be...
the left eye...this is the one he poked.
he wanted to show me his tough guy pose....
I am sure glad it will heal and that he didnt scratch his cornea....that is one huge blessing when u dont have any health could have been worse and thank goodness it wasnt.
Ewwwww yucky! I hope he is feeling better! Does he have those awful/stinging drops for the pink eye?? Poor kid! Give him a big hug for us! Tell him we think he is so brave!
I am so sorry, He is indeed very brave, I hope it get better soon. I am so excited to see he and Gavin. I am bringing some more books for us to read together and for him to read to me. I will give him a big hug when I get there. I love you all.
Yikes! I'm so glad he's O.K. I can't believe how red that eye was. And I can't believe he didn't freak when it happened. What a macho little man.
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