So for the last while J and i have been trying to get Mr. C to ride his bike without training wheels. He can ride soo well with training wheels on and he always wants to try to do tricks and go "super fast". Well.. it has been such a interesting battle trying to teach him to do this, because usually he picks things up pretty fast. Well bike riding was a little different for us. He has a friend, who is a year younger than him, and he is awesome at his bike. This little friend can stand on the pegs on his bike, and he can start and stop on his own, and is really good at riding. Mr. C would tell me all the time that he wants to ride just like his friend. So we have tried working with him. He wasn't quite grasping it. Mr. C was getting soo frustrated with this fact that it got to the point that i told him the training wheels where just going to go back on the bike. I was out of patience. He was out of patience. I know, i know that sounds horrible of me but i just couldn't get him to understand that he COULD DO THIS and he just needed to listen to what we tell him and trust himself to do it.
So today we were outside. He loves to ride up and down the driveway hills and try to "jump" just like the big kids do on our block. Our neighbor drives up to Mr. C and i notice they are talking. I walk over to where Mr. C is at and I hear this conversation going:
Neighbor: "Mr. C you are soo good at that bike, Why do you have training wheels on?"
Mr. C: " i just do..they help me so i dont fall. It is soo hard and i cant do my tricks without them on"
Neighbor: "Mr.C you need to get that bike inside and have your mom and dad take those off. You are riding soo well and the training wheels don't need to be there.
He then tells Mr. C that his son was 3 years old when he started to ride his bike without training wheels."
This impresses Mr.C. Our neighbor has to leave for work. As he pulls away, he tells me to get those training wheels off. I decide to ask Mr. C if i could take them off and we could give it another shot. He first hesitates, but then i tell him how fast he will be able to go without them. I tell them that i know that he can do this and it will help him be able to do his "tricks" Mr. C finially agrees..... And then the miracle happened.
I started out like usual. I held onto the back of his seat and started to run with him down the street. I let go and dont tell him. (before when i would do this he would freak out and stop pedaling and then tip over immediately) Today he just took off. He did it. I yelled to him "YEAH MR. C you are doing it!!" He didn't fall. Not once. He is elated and cant contain his excitement. He wants to call the entire world and let them know he can ride his bike without training wheels. We call his little friend and we call his daddy. We tell daddy that Mr. C has a huge surprise for him when he comes home for lunch. Within 5 minutes of him figuring out how to ride he decided he is a Pro. He quickly teaches himself how to start and stop without me helping him. He also figures out how to go off jumps and do his crazy tricks like " no feet and i can do it with my eyes closed". I advise him that riding with his eyes closed is not a good idea and he needs to keep them open to watch out for cars. I am soo excited for him. He has got it down and has figured out how to all his tricks soo quick. J and i are soo proud of him.
here are a few pics of him when he first figured out that he could do this. I love his facial expressions..he is soo excited!
Way to go Conner! Eli was so excited when he learned how to ride with out training wheels too. You boys are getting so big!
Good job Conner! Now you are an official big boy! I can't wait for you and Jeremy to ride at the park together.
Thats super cool! Dallen loves all the pictures and is really jealous..His bike is in storage. Until we move to Ca...
Way to go Mr.C!
love Dallen, Jocie
WOOT!!! It took Josh awhile to learn how to ride as well. Once they decided for themselves that they can do it, BAM, they are all over the place! Congrats Mr. C!! We are so proud of you.
Awesome! How fast they grow!
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