So the other day i was feeding the kids lunch. I usually just give the kids their kids cups with their water or milk but today i noticed all of the kids cups were in the dishwasher. So i decied to get the Gavinator a sippy cup and Conner this Gorilla Water Bottle. Well, little G decideds he wants the Gorilla water bottle and Mr. C does not want him to get it. I tell Mr. C that i can get him another cool water bottle if he could let Little G use the Gorilla. In the past little G has loved loved loved this water bottle. In the past he would get this water bottle and get soo excited and then say "ohh ohh ohhh awww awww"(that is gorilla talk in his words). I normally dont let him use it a ton because he will sometimes poor the milk or water out on the floor..but he really wanted it today.
I tried to tell Mr. C that i could get him this darth vador water bottle and he could give the gavinator the gorilla. He actually had actually agreed. Without a complaint even! I think to myself "Wow that was easy" "its usually not that easy but hey Mr. C is growing up!"
So right as i am trying to get the new water bottle for Mr. C. ..... then of course a work call comes in, so i need to go in our office and take it. While i am on with a customer I hear this screaming going on all of a sudden in the kitchen. I am not sure what is going on but i had to quickly ask the customer if i can call them back. I run into the kicthen. It is little G and he is crying soooo sooo bad. He keeps saying, "scary.. scary.. scary..scary ohhh ohhh awww awwww." I had to pull out the Camera because it was soo funny. Mr.C would push the water bottle in front of him and he would start screaming bloddy murder! He was really scared... poor kid..but I was laughing soo hard I had to pull the camera out. Once i get Little G calmed down (after our round of pics of course) I proceed to ask Mr. C what happened, and why his little brother is all of a sudden scared of this water bottle.
Mr.C is always finding little ways to get through to gavin so he can get his way. I guess this is the joys of childhood and learning... and this time Mr. C decided that he didnt want little g to have the water bottle. So i find out that he told Little G that the gorilla was real and started to make scary gorilla noices to poor little G. Mr. C said he was nice because he didnt hit little G, he just talked to him. And well for the Gavinator, if you are two, and you worship the ground your brother walks on, and believe every word that come out of his mouth, then i can see why little G believed him ....Poor little Gavinator.
What is sad, is we tried to show little Gavinator that Mr. C was just kidding. He didnt believe us. To this day he still will have nothing to do with that water bottle. I dont think the gavinator will ever use this water bottle again ...and i must say that Mr. C absoutley knew what he was doing because he wanted the water bottle the whole time. Oh man these boys!!
Here are a few of the pics in a "play by play" sequence of what i saw in the kicthen
All of this because of this Gorilla Water Bottle!!!
That is the funnest story!! I have to say Mr. C is pretty smart to come up with that. Sorry Gavin thats what happens when you have an older brother. Poor little guy. I am still laughing.
Oh I forgot. I HATE WHEN I CANT GET TO SLEEP!!!!! Hopefully daddy can help out and mommy can have a nap later.
I looked you up on and it gave me your Tualatin address. I knew you had moved there. I was trying to remind Fiona who you were. I said Sunbeam teacher and she said no. I said the lady with the little baby who brought you Wendys and shared her croutons. Oh YEAH! I remember her. Little goofball.
holy crow gavin looks so old!
That is so funny!!! Ah man I miss those boys!! I am trying to talk Rodger into coming there for Christmas...I think it would be so fun! I know our kids would love love it! Give your adorable boys a hug for me! Oh btw we have that same water bottle!
That is one freaky water bottle. I want to cry now:0)
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