first off i apologize that i am posting all these at the same time. We have been soo busy i feel like i am doing catch up.
Ok so my son Mr.C broke his leg back at the end of Feb. It has been such a long 8 weeks with 3 different casts, lots and lots of tears, very little sleep. Mr. C was out on a Sunday afternoon playing with a basketball when we heard this blood curtailing screaming. J runs out there and we see Mr. C on the grass just screaming and crying. He can be a little dramatic so i didnt think anything of it. I thought ok there is no way he could of broken his leg. He wasnt jumping off anything, there are no dips in the grass, nothing. I thought he might of sprained it if anything.
Well 45 minutes of absolute screaming and a boy who keeps yelling "mommy, mommy i broke my bone" J finally decides to make the call and to take to take him in. Usually it is me who is always taking the kids to the dr even for the littlest thing and J is always making fun of me for bringing them in for nothing...this time J knew without a doubt that something was wrong with Mr.C. Usually Mr c will cry when he gets hurt but when it turned to 45 in of screaming and you couldnt even touch his shin and then J saw a little spot on his shin start to bulge, we get our butts in that car and Hi-tale it to the ER.
This Er ...well that could be another post for another day. Basically it was a sunday evening...and lets just say that there were some major crazy's there that night. I swear they all came out of the woodwork and J and i were laughing at how bad we felt for the poor er drs and nurses who had to deal with these people. Well long story short we get Mr.Cs xray and the Xray tech says "i am not supposed to say when something is broken or not but his leg is soo bad that if that were my grandson i would want him on pain meds immediately, you go in and tell that nurse to get that boy something to help him" So we head in and my heart sinks. I am crying because i felt like a horrible mom for not believing him in the first place. Mr. C knew the entire time he broke it and i just didnt think it was possible. Mr. C is trying soo hard to be brave and i just feel soo helpless and i felt like the worst parent ever! Well long story short it was a very very long 4 weeks right after the brake. He had a spiral fracture and it literally went up his entire shin. The specialist said that it is actually very common in kids to have this happen they call it a toddler fracture. All Mr.C did was step down to get his ball and then he must of torqued his body the wrong way and then pop..the rest is history. In adults we would of likely torn a tendon but in kids the tendons are just too thin and not yet strong enough so the bone will be the first thing to break.
WEll Mr. C has endured a very long 8 weeks of 3 different casts,pain and discomfort,but alas his leg is better! We are very grateful for all the help we had from everyone and all the prayers to help him heal. I also want to thank our very good friend ben and for doing all the artwork on conners casts. I cannot tell you how much conner loved it. I cant thank you enough! Conner loved the dragons and skulls! you are awesome, ben.. thank you soo much!
WELL HELLO!!!! This is Michelle Davis (now Sager)...You have the cutest kids I've ever seen. That cast was intense, poor thing! I loved reading your blog!
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