Con Man takes off for the bus at 7:25 every morning.
Gavin takes off for the bus at 8:45.
Gavin comes home at 12:25
Conner comes home at 2:25.
Wow ..that kinda felt like I was writing a DR. Seuss book!
So of course I gotta get in on the record the cutest Kindergartner EVER....but.. like I have mentioned before ....I am a little biast..
The Gavinator on his first day of school!
Yes.. that is usually how the first pic goes when I take this ones is either that...or sometimes he pretends to be "gansta"
Speaking of "gansta" ...he loves to wear this "grill"(I hope u can even see the "grill" due to the small pic.

I mean..seriously. I just hope he doesn't turn into this "gansta" grandpa when he is old...aren't the shorts the COOLEST! Definitely my new FAV! Wonder if I could them them in a size 5 for little G?

I just love this handsome little man. I am a little saddened that his adorable cheeks are slowly disappearing as he turns into a little boy though.
Here he is checking out what it means to line up at his bus stop with all the big kids. for the record..he didn't even miss me. nor was he scared. he in fact refused to let me drive him to school on the first day. And I am pretty sure I was the only kinder mom who walked away before the bus even drove off.. amazingly enough I didn't cry.
This is one of Con Man's best buds here in good ol happy valley. It melted my heart to see how he took the big brother roll and makes sure every morning that gavin is ok on the bus. He also walks him to his class. how cute is that. Can you see the Smile on my little boys face...A d o r a b l e.
So there you have it. An official happy mothers day to me of sorts. Except I miss them already............................................................................................... even when the little one leaves behind his special vanilla milk I bought him a week ago in the car without me knowing ended up EXPLODING all over my car... and well apparently due to the heat these things can EXPODE like a BOMB...I love when i dont know about these "special" things that are left behind in the car. I got to spend over 5 hours cleaning up milk bomb "explosion" EVERYWHERE. You can imagine due to the heat and a week long of fermenting how amazingly awesome my car must smell... lets just say it is a good thing this little kindergartner is cute. And I sure hope the car can start to smell better... it is never good to start out your day gagging every time you have to drive somewhere.
Your boys are getting so big! They are adorable!
I'm luvin' the grandpa gangsta. That's hilarious:)
O.K., so I've had to deal with sour milk in the car, but an explosion? Yikes!!!!!I'm sorry. That must smell really nasty!
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