My friends and I have been known to have "girls nights" where we head down to walmart really late at night..we leave our houses usually about 900 at night. Walmart is open 24 hours, so when u go late at night..the real "crazies" come out in full force and you tend to laugh the night away at all the funny things you see/witness.
I call this super duper fun night, WT night, or White trash night! The girls and I love WT night.
In the past we have also stopped at Sherri's. We get dessert, or fries..or any other delish treat. White trash night at Sherri's b4 or after Wali World tends to make the night even better! Sherri's is kinda of a white trash restaurant where lots of WT people go, and it is open 24 hours so that makes it a bonus.
... it makes it nice that we can dine late at night!
Dayna, (my MIL) was here visiting and we needed to go to walmart to get a few items
b4 conner had his surgery. It is about 3o min away, so I don't get to get down there too often. Then the idea came!
WOOHOO..i was going to call up the Besties and make this another fun WT night...except this time we would go ALL OUT! We were not only going to go out and laugh the night away..but we would also dress the part of being WT. It was soooo much fun helping each other get ready for our WT night...i even got the MIL to participate! IT was a BLAST!!

I was soo excited to get ready for this event. I decided to wear Jesse's "camping jacket" he calls it. This is one jacket he owns that i do not like one bit..but tonight i would reconcile with it and actually wear it proudly. This jacket doubled up with some nice tights and BLUE CROCKS made this outfit really come together. Not to mention the horrific makeup job i did...i mean i am sure my 3 year old could have applied the makeup better than this. hahaha...nothing says WT better than some old caked on makeup with a rotten tooth! To add to the effect..i had my besties put on a Harley Davidson tattoo just above the "girls"...the sight was too much for me to handle...all i know is, I was scarred by looking at my self in the mirror that night.
Now when u view these not fret..i know they are pretty
U-G-L-Y and if u do not want to continue on i totally understand!

The Gang!

I think the pants and shoes everyone is wearing freakin rocks too!

I must say i was soo grateful for crocks and rain boots that night! they served a wonderful purpose! I thought i would never say that about crocks!
We left the house about 8:45 pm. We decided to hit sherri's first this time. It was pretty funny because the waiter was actually nervous/scared to talk to us. He just kinds looked at his awkwardly and tried his best to stay away from us. I say he stayed "away" from us cause the service totally sucked that night. We even sat around giving each other WT names! It was awesome. I was laughing even more,how the waiter was totally weirded out! Oh the memories that were made there that night were priceless!
We then got in the car and headed down to wallie world! IT was awesome..i don't even think we got to the store until almost 1100. When we got there we had to do a few returns for my friend. I went with her to the return desk and it made me laugh so hard at the employee who was working the desk.
Oh MY...lets just say that we actually didn't look half bad...As we walked around the store we would get one of two responses..people would walk by and totally not even realize we are WT, and that we totally fit right in..or they would stare as we walked by, and then say "did u see those girls?" hahahaha IT was hilarious..the best is when we split up to each get a few things and MIL and I were walking by ourselves, people kept double taking and staring at us. This lovely duo walking around shopping must have looked pretty freakin awesome! It was CLASSIC!
The lady checking us out was even better than we were. I don't think she was too found of us and we must have offended her because she was sooo grouchy and short.
...i think we may have offended her. My friend had bought silly putty that said 99 cents on the bin. The bin was full of silly putty. My friend bought for each of her kiddos. Well the lady at the register said it was not 99 cents. I was confused by this since the entire bin was full, and the sign said "silly putty,
99 cents" We asked her to go and look and she was getting all perturbed with us. I didnt understand why she was being rude with us and really she wouldn't listen and was not taking us seriously. She picks up the silly putty and says..."its not 99 cents because it is Glow in the Dark" our reply " ughhh well then maybe u need to mark the entire bin cause that is what is says...and they are all glow in the dark..." I am not sure why the silly putty being glow in the dark would mark the price up soo high. She then said it was going to be a pain to adjust the mistake she made. Well...that is not our fault. We told her the first time that the dang silly putty was 99 cents. I am pretty sure she was not taking us seriously because of our attire and she most certainly was not thrilled about having to make the price adjustment for the mistake she made. I then realized she must have been proud of her WT heritage and this little gang of women was not sitting well with her.
The night was a very fun filled exciting night. We made it home at around 100am. It was soo much fun and i think the only part that sucked was the fact that a few of the girls had 9am church...