So back when i was potty training Mr. C about 21/2 years ago i told him that if he got his potty training down i would get him a fish. Well he got it down and he picked out a red beta fish and named him nemo. Well nemo has been around for almost 3 years and Mr. C has loved having this fish.
We had gotten back from our trip to hawaii.I will write about that later... and when we got home i check on nemo and well he is bloated and kinda floating on the bottom of the tank. He is still breathing but it didnt look too good. I knew that he was not going to make it another day. SO the next morning i prepped Mr. C and told him that his fish was sick and old and that he may die. Well he cries and cries and cries. ...and cries. That evening i go to check on the fish and i watch with my own eyes as it swims to the top, takes a deep breath, then floats back down to the bottom, and then all of a sudden he stops breathing. Poor little nemo. He just kicked the bucket and i will have to break this to my son in the morning.
Well morning rolls around and i decided to let Mr. C decide on if he wanted me to flush him or him to flush him. Mr. C was soo sad that nemo died. He is crying. He cant stop. He asked if we could have a funeral and so i said sure(anything to help the poor kids out).
We take him into the bathroom where Little G is trying to talk like a fish and is soo excited about watching nemo be tossed into the toilet and then conner is bawling like a baby. I was trying soo hard not to laugh. The scene was soo funny. Mr. C told me he wanted to start out with a prayer and then sing to nemo "families can be together forever." how can i say no to that. IT was soo sweet..so Mr. C says the cutest little prayer and then he starts singing. When he is done I said ,"ok Mr. C..lets flush so that little nemo can be happy in fishy heaven. This is our conversation.
Mr. C: (while he is crying)Mom is nemo with grandma wanda in Heaven(his great grandma)? Is is going to be resurrected just like President Hinckley will be. Is he going to get a new body and then be a prophet?
Me: I am stunned ..i am trying so hard not to laugh. It was soo cute that he wanted to make sure little nemo will be able to be resurrected and that he will be able to be with our family forever. I told him that Heavenly Father would take care of nemo so he doesnt have to worry.
Mr.C Then Flushes.Little G is waving and still trying to talk like a fish and Mr. C is just kinda in shock
So after the little "funeral" we had, Mr. C wants to call and tell his friends what happened.
He calls his best friends james and noah. And the funniest little comment that i am still laughing was when Mr. C and james had their conversation.
Here it goes:
Mr. C: (As he is bawling)James my fish nemo died. He is in Heaven with Grandma Wanda.
James: Thats ok Mr.C..you can get a new fish!
Mr. C: He sits there kinda stunned...hahaha i am still laughing about it.
I still laugh at these little boys and how funny they are. I mean james didnt even pause..that was what was soo funny...I felt exactly like james. I mean it is a fish for peets sake.. So needless to say i hope that echo(our dog)doesnt kick the bucket for a long long time..i cant even imagine what Mr. C will go through if he was that emotional over the dang fish!! But it was a good story. I will have to post about our trip to hawaii. We had a blast...the broken leg with Mr. C was a bit of a hardship but we survived. And i could blog for days about funny stories with Grandpa Ralph(that is jesses grandpa) i will have to do that..they are some of the funniest stories.