A very good friend had the best idea for her boys bedroom. I loved it soo soo much and so i had to copy her. Thanks Amy..i am soo excited for the boys cute new shelves. She had the idea of putting up recycled/broken skate board decks in her little boys room and then she would use them as shelving. Well...i have been looking for shelves small enough to fit on a certain wall in my boys room, and this IDEA WAS PERFECT! They are the perfect size and once they are installed i can removed half of the clutter that is all over their dressers! And not only does it look so amazingly cute...the skateboard decks were FREE!! I repeat they were FREE!!! WOOT! The only thing i am going to have to pay for is the hardware! woohoo!It is going to look RAD! And it totally helps that Mr.C and little gavinator seriously love skateboards. They both love that the weather has been soo nice so they have been outside whenever they get the chance to practice on their skateboards! SO woohoo to great friends who have great ideas...and "woot" to free shelving for my boys room!
I will post pics once i get them mounted on the wall!
More exciting news is that So you think you can Dance has started. I haven't watched it yet..but i am soo excited to sit and watch with my boys! Jesse and i love to watch it with the boys. Conner and Gavin are both OBSESSED with break dancing. They love it! They will break dance and try to copy what they see and it is ADORABLE! WOOT for my favorite show ! That always makes coming home from an insane day worth it!
And WOOT for KRIS on American IDOL! I have loved him from the start! He is amazing and i am soo glad that he won. Thank you America for agreeing with me! He is quite frankly one of my all time favorites..truly AMAZING!! I think i may become a Kris "groupie" and and have to go to every concert he does here in Portland!:)The night he won I was soooo PUMPED!!! i was not expecting it at all..but when they announced him i literally freaked out! REally..it was SOO AWESOME!!

The weather here has been AWESOME!! I MEAN ABSOLUTELY beautiful! We have tried to spend time outside every chance i get.
well i am getting tired...it has been such a big day and i will have another huge day 2morrow, so i think i am going to hit the sack!
anyhow..i would love to write more, but i hear one child upstairs crying ,so i am off to go and see what is up. I will hopefully be able to post some pics soon..life is busy, life is good...and i hope to see my hubby b4 i forget what he looks like!